Written by: Vilsemar Alves
Photo: Wilson Moreno/PMM
Data on arboviruses recorded in Mossoró from January to July of this year in Mossoró, show that Mossoroenses cannot forgo preventive care.
According to the cases listed in the National Notification System (SINAM), the confirmed cases of dengue fever in the city in the first seven months of this year amount to 134 out of 687 reported cases. Of the total confirmed cases, 3 were dengue with warning signs and 1 was severe dengue.
The total confirmed cases of chikungunya fever are 57 out of a total of 287 reported cases. As for the Zika virus, the total number of cases reported from January to July was 32, with 8 confirmed.
Compared to last year, there is a decrease in positive cases of dengue, chikungunya and Zika by 87, 97 and 95%, respectively. The period from January to July is taken into account.
For the Director-General of the Zoonoses Center in Mossoró, Sandro Elias, work to control the Aedes aegypti mosquito needs the active participation of the population. Mosaurusians can and should help our agents combat and control arthropod-borne viruses. It is possible to do this while avoiding places with standing water and an open water tank. It is not because cases are declining from year to year that we can relax with prevention,” he said.
Our teams remain in the field, visiting homes to guide residents and fight Aedes aegypti. The pandemic forced us to take biosecurity measures during these incursions through neighborhoods. The work cannot be stopped,” explains Joao Paulo, Managing Director of the Animal Insect Center.
Last year, in the same period, the total reported cases of dengue reached 2458, 1064 cases of the disease were confirmed. Of the 3,294 cases reported, the number of chikungunya cases was 1,951 confirmed.
The total number of Zika virus cases in 2020 from January to July was 173 confirmed.
Source: Mossoró City Council.
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