TV Brasil Central, in partnership with the State Department of Health of Goiás (SES-GO), presents, premiering on Monday (10/04), a series of five reports explaining how services work in the primary, secondary and tertiary services of the Unified Health. System (SUS). With an educational focus, the series will be shown from 7:30 am, on Mundo em Sua Casa, and at 11 am, on Jornal Brasil Central.
The videos will show examples of consultations and in which cases people should go to UBS, Cais, Ciams, UPA, polyclinics and state. Hospitals.
The president of Agência Brasil Central (ABC), Reginaldo Jr., explains that the series begins with the introduction of UBS, run by the municipalities, known as the “postinho de Saúde”, the preferred door of the SUS, through which the patient must enter. “It is the health center that must organize the entire assistance network,” he explains.
The patient arrives at the base unit, receives comprehensive care, and diagnoses that need at the time. An assessment is made and then referred to the next level of care: secondary or tertiary.
“Unfortunately, the majority of the population does not understand the logic of the SUS, and is used to seeking care, even in simple cases, in more complex structures. This overburdens services such as hospitals, which should only take care of patients with the most serious health conditions,” he explains. Goiás State Secretary of Health, Sergio Vincio.
Secondary care is provided in specialized outpatient clinics, which are multi-specialty clinics or outpatient clinics that specialize in medicine. The third level consists of hospitals. Hospital units can receive patients from UPA and also for clinical or surgical hospitalization, by organization.
Photo: SES-GO
Secretary of State for Health // Goiás Government