Tania Ribas de Oliveira felt obliged to explain herself to RTP1 viewers, after she admitted that she had a less good moment in the program “A Nossa Tarde”, in which respiratory diseases were discussed.
A viewer from the public station wrote to the RTP Viewer Ombudsman about her dissatisfaction with the way the broadcaster handled the topic. “The topic deserved more airing, which did not happen, and the broadcaster dealt with it in an unfortunate way, and laughed at what the distinguished physical therapists tried to explain in such a short time. Issues of this importance must be dealt with with respect, because it did not happen,” he said regretfully. .
Ana Souza Dias, RTP service provider, read the criticism and gave voice to Tania Ribas de Oliveira, who justified her position. “From the moment a person goes to the trouble of writing an email to RTP because they are unhappy with the way the matter was handled, yes, I should apologise, but I feel at peace with the work I have been doing over these 20 and many years, but I am a person like any Someone else, some days are happier than others.”“Tanya said.
“As I am responsible for what is said on this programme, because it is done live and it is also important that people understand that, nothing I say during this program is written by anyone, two and a half hours of continuous improvisation is not. Easy.“The presenter continued.
The reporter did not want to leave anything unsaid and also emphasized that she would never make fun of a sensitive topic. “II remember very well, at the end of this content, thinking about the fact that I choked on a cup of… Water that didn’t help. I lost focus, and started laughing, but obviously because I choked up and never talked about it.“, he concluded.