The Scandinavian country, which has adopted a less stringent strategy against the virus, has recorded an incidence of 577 cases per 100,000 people in the last 14 days, according to the CDC report.
Sweden has surpassed the symbolic mark of 1 million cases discovered in early May and remained second for weeks in terms of the number of new infections, after Cyprus.
“Many countries have higher rates than ours today, so it can be said that this phenomenon reflects a late increase in the third wave of cases in Sweden,” said epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, during a press conference.
The total number of deaths since the start of the epidemic has reached 14,351 cases today, which puts the country in the middle of the European schedule, but it is clearly above its northern neighbors such as Finland, Norway and Denmark.
European mortality statistics also show that Sweden had a mortality rate greater than the European average in 2020.
The country has been characterized in the health crisis by the absence of confinement, a strategy based on recommendations rather than on coercive measures, with very limited use of masks in public places.
Despite new measures in late 2020, such as closing bars and restaurants at 8:30 pm, the country is still relatively less stringent with the virus than any other part of Europe.
If the Swedish strategy raises controversy, the proliferation of restrictions across Europe has also given credit to a strategy that interprets the fight against the virus as a “marathon” and wants to take into account the mental and health state of society as a whole.
Read also: In the minute: The European Union awards Covid certification. France expects vaccination
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