In all, more than 14,000 consultations took place in October
On Monday (14), in the late afternoon and early evening, the Valinhos emergency care unit was full. Every time this happens, on this day of the week, it is often said that this happens because of testimonial research and other purposes. But, this week, the appointment was on the eve of the Republic’s proclamation holiday, and its capacity was questioned by adherents Third Vision NewspaperVia WhatsApp: (19) 99450-1424.
According to the Minister of Health, the capacity of the Emergency Care Unit (UPA) is due to the increase in the number of suspected cases of Covid-19 in the world, which also affects the city of Valinhos.
Recently, most of the UPA request has been for influenza syndrome counseling. 10,545 consultations were conducted in October this year within the framework of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and 4,089 consultations took place in the same period in Openha.
According to the Health Department, most patients seeking care are from Valinhos, but there are also patients from Campinas and the region.
Popular pharmacy
The JTV report questioned the opening expectations of the popular 24-hour pharmacy, next to the UPA, as announced in a live interview with Mayor Capitã Lucimara in this weekly, and the Valinhos City Council replied: “The proposal has been studied and, at the moment, there are no expectations With the opening of the popular pharmacy at the University of California.