* Episode summaries are subject to changes due to the novel’s release
Thomas tells Fatima that he managed to record Carlota’s confession, but she caught him and threw her cell phone into the water. Fatima thanks him anyway. Thomas asks her not to marry Guilherme and to stay with him.
She just told Carlotta what Thomas had done, accusing him of having done it to Fatima and of doing everything for her. Mariana is not convinced.
Vitoria relieves Fausto, who tells her to forget about Fernando. Vittoria receives an anonymous message setting an appointment.
Guida talks to Lucinda about the “newbie”, who tells them to look for her when they have specific data.
Salvador wants to know how his mother is part of the hotel management. Fernando explains that at the time of the engagement it was not fair, and now he has decided to correct the mistake.
Manuel asks his wife where he left the car because it is not where he parked it. Carmenho says he never touched the car. Nicolau checks that it was stolen. Salvador feels sorry for his father.
Mariana appears and shows Thomas a cell phone, considering that she knows what her mother has done.
Dominguez came from the guard, and says he tried to apologize with the glasses he drank so much, but Guilherme warned him that he might get a fine and keep a record.
Mariana takes Leonor to her room, combs her hair and puts on her make-up and Leonor is cheerful. Leonor talks about Zizito and Mariana realizes that he is a special person, so she tells him about the first boyWhat do you like.
Guilherme comments that Domingos should answer for what he did. Fatima told him about Thomas trying to help her.
Manuel is horrified by the car theft and even says that the insurance company accused him of bad faith. Manuel goes to see Vernon to talk about the robbery, but sends him to the station tomorrow.
In Brl, Susina can’t stay silent and talks about Aida’s health and how Musa feels bad about her breaking up with her because of it. Sãozinha says the two are in love. Aida runs away.
Victoria knocks on the hotel room door and is stunned to look at Sheila. Vitoria says she is looking for Fernando and Sheila tells him he is taking a shower. Vitoria asks who commissioned this theater, but she is lost when she sees Fernando appear in a robe.
Victoria descends from the hotel stairs, crying. Mariana goes straight to her. Vittoria tries to explain herself, but Mariana throws in her face that her father chose her and her mother.
Aida enters the house and confronts her husband about what she has with Susenia. Aida told the children, watching the conversation, that they had left Lisbon because their father had betrayed her. Thomas, who knows something about Elvira, tells his father to tell the truth. Musa says he has nothing to do with Susenia, but Aida does not believe him.
Leonor is excited to talk about Mariana, I’d like you to get along with Thomas. Dominguez is worried because on any day Leonor doesn’t want to go home.
Annabella talks again about going to Braga. Silverio is talking to her. Annabella decided to go with her aunt. Fatima and Silverio will see why Estrella doesn’t stop barking.
* A preview of this episode is now available, exclusively, on OPTO