users steam They were surprised with four new releases, all free downloads. In other words, Steam users have four new games to play: SneakDate, Ambassador, Freelancer that it Octodad: Student Edition. If you’ve never heard of these games, it’s because they were side projects that were never released or, in the case of Octodad: Student Edition, the original version of the popular game. eight from 2010.
Why are all these games released at the same time for free? Well, according to the developer little horses – Best known for the aforementioned Octodad, as well as the newer ones Pogsnax Part of the initiativeLittle Horses: Free DomainIt’s unclear if these are permanent free Steam add-ons or a limited-time offer. The lack of a highlight indicates that it’s the former, but that hasn’t been confirmed.
The colony has fallen! I mean literally the ant farm you call home fell off the table and crashed on the living room floor. What’s worse: the queen has vanished in the chaos! Now leaderless and homeless, the farm ants are on the brink of starvation. As a brave worker ant, it is up to you to search the unknown world of the living room in search of food. You’ll explore plush furnishings, interact with the local ant population, and claim all kinds of tasty snacks! Do you have what it takes to become truly independent?
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Snake history
Welcome to Charmr, the leading snake dating app! Look for Love? Browse the club and sign up for your dates to show your affection! When Charmr appears, you’ll see a potential date. If you think they are compatible, swipe right and find them in the club. Be warned, you will ditch your current date if you have one!
Each successful encounter is worth a certain Charmr score based on compatibility. High class dates will need more reels around to be satisfied. Relationships today are all about size, so get as high as you can!
Octodad: Student Edition
Octodad is a third-person adventure game about destruction, deception, and parenting. The player controls Octodad, a cheeky octopus disguised as a human, as he takes about a day of his life. Their existence is a constant struggle, as they must master mundane tasks with their boneless, lumbering claws, while at the same time keeping their cephalopod nature a secret from their human family.
Control the Ant Ambassador, a giant humanoid finger in a top hat, as he makes his way through a bustling ant colony. Its massive size makes it powerful yet heavy, and if you’re not careful, you’re liable to crush your little hosts! You must use your awesome numbers to help the citizens of Antubia without causing an international incident!