At its CES 2023 conference, Sony unveiled the first official images from the movie Gran Turismo. In a short clip, it is possible to see a camera game similar to those in games, as well as a competitive atmosphere with a high level of fidelity.
According to the producers, the feature film will be the final adaptation of the franchise for the screen and will strive to offer maximum immersion by shooting in IMAX. Columbia Pictures is working with Sony to deliver a racing experience where fans feel like they’re on the track.
Watch the clip below:
Gran Turismo, a film directed and written by Neil Blomkamp (“District 9”) Jason Hall (“Honor to Merit”), is in development through a partnership with PlayStation Productions. There is still no set date for the release, which will take place exclusively in theaters.
Learn more about Gran Turismo
As reported by Deadline, Gran Turismo will tell the story of the rise, in which a young game player, whose skills have been demonstrated in a series of official competitions, becomes a high-performance driver. From that moment on, he will do his best to be recognized globally as a professional on the track. click here to know more.
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