Inspired by Tania Diospero e IsoraSinger Marcia has opened her heart once again to talk about the battle against cancer, calling for early detection.
“[…] I feel like I have to say a thing or two about this topic that terrifies a lot of people. – The word cancer is scary. It’s better to talk and demystify a few things. They were the most inspiring people to me at the time I received my diagnosis because, by reporting on their experiences, they have shown that all of this passes and transcends (when we are lucky enough to find this out early!), wrote on Instagram, Monday 12th July.
“A friend of mine told me a few days ago that she was so sad to find out what I was having and that she was afraid not to notice the signs. The signs? Oh yeah, I didn’t have any of them. This is because the tumor I have was detected before I even started. Obviously! Because of that, I didn’t have to undergo chemotherapy, which aims to shrink the tumor until it was operable, so I went straight to the surgery stage.”
“Now there is a process of radiotherapy that will be (albeit tedious) the least evil,” he said.
Then he highlighted the importance of palpation. “It is essential for early diagnosis. But mammography is a technology at our fingertips that allows us to address it even earlier,” he added.
“Why did you go to do this? It was a coincidence! One day I will tell you this story in detail, if you like. Now rest assured. This is going from strength to strength,” he added.
See the full post:
Also Read: Singer Marcia Reveals She’s Fighting Breast Cancer