Two weeks before the end of the Big Brother – Desafio Final, the celebration on Sunday 15 May promises strong feelings with the revelation of Nuno Homem de Sá’s life curve, usual dismissals and appointments.
Among the other highlights that promised to spark tonight’s party were moving films with key moments of tension that marked the week.
“Tonight we present the premiere of a 6-episode series! Bring back the popcorn with these promises!‘, you can read the description of the post published on the Big Brother Instagram page, where you can see the titles of the respective episodes:challenge“,”divided house“,”What annoying Nono“,”Antonio and Pedro – Santo does not knock“,”Goncalo vs. Leandro” And “Omelette“.
When called up for feedback on these covers, followers didn’t take long to respond to a special request:Won’t you show Barbosa and Antonio cutting and sewing?? 🚨🚨🚨 clown“,”Antonio’s show Have fun with Cerci . users“,”Show pictures of the group cutting on the jacket that’s what it was“or”And where is the Antonio series? Does Antonio make fun of people with disabilities?are some of the many comments to read.