Projections also indicate that space missions will reach Jupiter in 2103 and Saturn in 2132.
Many of us may be alive when the first humans land on an asteroid, according to new predictions from rocket engineers. Scientists think the mission can do just that Reach the asteroid belt In the next 50 years, on the condition that we reach Mars by 2037.
The estimate is based on an economic analysis of how budgets for space exploration have increased over the years and how humans have increased their field of operations.
NASA data shows that a file budget increased Since its founding in 1958, with several peaks in the curve in 1966, when it started the Apollo program, and in 2018, when the agency started the Artemis program.
In addition to budget enhancements, study It also takes into account technological developments when calculating scientific articles published in the United States on space exploration annually, and reveals explore.
Finally, scientists have taken into account The radius of human activity Beyond Earth, something that has increased rapidly from the start of the Space Race to the first trip to the Moon, is 0.0026 AU (one AU is the distance from the Earth to the Sun).
Calculations conclude that the Artemis mission is expected to take humans to Mars in 2037, when the radius of human activity is expected to increase to 0.3763 AU.
This model allows scientists to estimate when our species can visit other distant parts of the solar system – in 2073 we will reach the asteroid belt, in 2103 We go to Jupiter And its satellites In the year 2132 we will visit Saturn.
Forecasts are not guaranteed and are subject to several external and uncertain factors, such as the climate crisis, which could force an acceleration in the race to space, or the emergence of new epidemics, such as COVID-19, which could hold back progress.