Modern oral health is a guarantee of a smile on your face: On September 12 of this year, the Biguaçu City Hall, through the Ministry of Health, initiated a joint effort to expand dental care coverage and, in this way, reduce the waiting list for the service, already available in basic health units (UBS ). The procedure will last for three months and will be carried out in the OdontoSesc mobile unit, which during this period will be located in the courtyard of the municipal clinic in the Praia João Rosa neighborhood.
Until December 1, the consultations, which last an average of one hour, will take place from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 12 noon and from 1 pm to 5 pm. The flow will be determined according to the patient list provided by the dental teams at UBS.
The modified Sesc vehicle has a complete structure to provide free dental care to the community, with four offices, X-ray equipment and a sterilization room.
Services provided will be: prophylaxis (cleaning), tartar removal, topical fluoride application, cavity removal, permanent restorations, dressings, simple extractions and X-rays, more complex surgeries, root canal treatment, and suspected oral cancer. It will be sent to the Center for Dental Specialties (CEO), via the Regulatory System (SISREG).
The Department of Dentistry of the Ministry of Health expects that up to 2,500 procedures will be performed during these 90 days. Users who confirm an appointment but do not show up will forfeit their appointment.
The municipal dental director, Vitor Lux, highlights the structure already provided to residents and points out the improvements planned in the coming months, which also reinforces the benefits of the joint effort. “Currently, in Bigguaçu there are 21 dental offices and 30 dentists, distributed between UBS primary care and CEO specialties. Three more offices will soon be opened, as well as new partnerships signed to complete the service. In addition, Carreta OdontoSesc must accelerate Work more, covering patients from all regions.
Facing praise for the organization of the municipal dental service, from the Sesc team, Mayor Salmir da Silva congratulated the staff and celebrated the start of another measure to expand the services. “It is with great pride to see the appreciation of the potential of our specialists! Sometimes, inside, we are not able to realize the volume and quality of work being carried out, but in this way we are sure that we are on the right path. Congratulations to each of them for their competence and performance.” “They are excellent in their roles. I would like to thank the dentists and their assistants who will work on this effort, as they will undoubtedly be responsible for restoring many smiles.”
The group activities were opened on Monday afternoon (11), in the presence of Deputy Mayor Alexandre Martins de Sousa, Minister of Health, Magali Eliane Pereira Prazeres, municipal secretaries, councillors, civil servants and community representatives, as well as OdontoSesc Coordinator, Tisiana Santos Pereira, and other members of the organization.