Artificial intelligence startup OpenAI has promoted the largest study ever conducted in the United States on a so-called universal basic income. The main conclusion: money allows people to be more demanding.
on 3000 people 21- to 40-year-olds from Texas and Illinois participated in the largest US study to date on universal basic income.
During the study, which was funded by ChatGPT’s “parent” company, OpenAI, participants, who were selected from people living below the poverty line – with an income of up to $30,000 per year – received unconditional cash payments for three years.
According to the quartzOne-third of participants received $1000 per monthAbout 910 euros, while the other participants – the control group – received $50.
The study found that participants who received larger checks had More flexibility when searching for a job They really want to.
Money can increase People’s ability to make decisions Workers who are According to your circumstancesand individual goals and values. “Beneficiaries were more likely to seek work but were more selective,” the study authors wrote.
“With this money and the possibility of accumulating my savings, I am in a good position. This allows me to be demanding.“One study participant explained,” he said.
“I don’t have to accept a crappy job just because I need income right now. I have the opportunity to wait and try to find the right job.
Another participant says he got an entry-level job. With a lower salary in the field I wanted to work in – Within two years, he had reached a six-figure salary. “If I hadn’t received the money, I wouldn’t have been able to take that pay cut.”
the study No significant differences were found. In employment levels between those receiving higher payments and the control group. Beneficiaries only Increased spending on basic needsFood, shelter and transportation were the most important elements.
The payments helped beneficiaries to Paying for healthcare needsSuch as orthodontics and alcohol addiction treatment. Although the payments initially low stressmany health benefits Disappeared after two years.
Sam Altman was a big supporter of the idea. Universal basic income, and their concerns about this topic are well founded.
In fact, it is an accepted fact that artificial intelligence, of which Altman is a leading figure, is transforming the economy and It will eliminate jobs. In many areas of activity.
So, Altman would think, you need to think about what to do with the millions of unemployed people your AI is likely to create.