A very present topic in the corridors of clinics and hospitals in Rio de Janeiro. The minimum wage for health workers was the subject of a public discussion conducted by the Parliamentary Front for the Defense of the Benefit of Nursing, this morning, Tuesday (03), in the plenary session of the Rio Chamber. The meeting, promoted by the President of the Collective, Counselor Paulo Pinheiro (PSOL), aims to discuss the procedures of Municipal Decree No. 53.220/2023, which deals with changes in the payment of salaries for professionals in this category.
Under the decree, the municipality now receives assistance from the union in remunerating employees to ensure that each method receives the same level. However, even with the federal contribution, actors and professionals in this category reported problems with payment, including an absence of resources on the Department of Health’s payroll.
“There are workers with 14 years of experience who are not registered with the Regional Nursing Council (CORIN). The person works another 10 years and is harmed, even though it is not his fault. “There is a lack of commitment to this,” noted Miriam Lopez, president of the Union of Nursing Assistants and Technicians (Satenerg). “Employee.”
The coordinator of the National Nursing Forum, Libya Pelosi, suggested sending an appeal to SMS to provide a service site for workers to give them the opportunity to resolve the situation personally with the server after completing the data in the table. The president of the nurses’ union, Elizabeth Giustini, stressed the need for commitment so that this situation can be resolved as quickly as possible. “Salaries in this category are very low and the loss of purchasing power is hitting us more and more. He said: “We need this executive channel as soon as possible to serve professionals and solve their problems.”
Cristina Terra, representative of the human resources sector at the Municipal Health Department (SMS), advised employees to go to their organization’s management to solve the problem. “We feed the spreadsheet based on the columns provided by the ministry. We do the operation, but the management is the responsibility of the finance department,” he pointed out. “This is a process in which there may be errors, which is why we are communicating with institutions to advise their employees to contact human resources so that the investigation can be done.” situation and problem solving.
Paulo Pinheiro said that he would request clarifications from the executive authority regarding the reports raised. “The Ministry of Health receives a spreadsheet containing data provided by the Ministry of Health, Rio Saudi and social organizations. We want to clarify the criteria used to feed the document. Errors like those mentioned here cannot occur. Finally, we will ask City Hall for a request to have a place for people to ask their questions, and from Rio Saúde, information about the collective payment agreement.” The meeting was also attended by Rio Saúde’s Human Resources Director, Savannah Brice Moreira, and Vice President, Ana Carolina Lara.
In addition to Paulo Pinheiro, the consultants are Dr. Carlos Eduardo (PDT), Alexandre Pica (PSD), and Attila A. Nunes (PSD), Celso Costa (Representative), Dr. Gilberto (SD), and Dr. Marcos are part of the Parliament. Front: Paulo (PSOL), Dr. Rogerio Amorim (PTB), Edson Santos (PT), Felipe Michel (PP), Inaldo Silva (Actor), Jer da Mendes Gomez (SD), Luciana Boiteux (PSOL), Luciana Novaes ( PT), Luciano Medeiros (PSD), Luiz Ramos Filho (PMN), Marcelo Diniz (PSD), Márcio Ribeiro (Avante), Márcio Santos (PTB), Marcos Braz (PL), Mateus Gabriel (PSD), Monica Benicio (PSOL ), Monica Cunha (PSOLl), Niquinho (PT), Prof. Celio Luparelli (PSD), Rafael Aloysio Freitas (C), Wellington Dias (PDT), William Seri (PSOL), William Coelho (DC), and Zico (Actor).