The Bank of Portugal warns that the entity operating, in particular, through the profiles on the social network Facebook with the names “Ana Maria Margarida Pinto.PT Serviços Financeiro” and “Ana Maria Florbela Carvalho Financiamento.PT” is not authorized to exercise, in Portugal, the activity of granting credit or any other financial activity reserved for institutions subject to the supervision of the Banco de Portugal.
“The credit granting activity provided for in paragraph b) of paragraph 1 of article 4 of the General Regulation of Credit Institutions and Financial Companies (approved by Decree-Law No. 298/92 of December 31, 2019), is reserved for entities qualified to exercise it, in accordance with the provisions of article 10 of that diploma, the list of which can be consulted on the Bank of Portugal website”, explains BdP.
Lists of entities authorized to grant credit, act as credit intermediaries and provide advisory services in relation to credit contracts can be consulted on the Banco de Portugal website at and on the Bank’s Client Portal at https. //