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Published on 07-09- 2022
Portalegre’s PSD destroyed the majority Socialist government, accusing it of not speaking out and declaring millions which later translated into pennies.
According to the analysis of the PSD, health is sick, the social sector has negative operational results, and farmers are in dire need of the promised assistance, the arrival of which is delayed.
These were the three areas covered at the press conference held on Friday, at the PSD headquarters in Portalegre.
With regard to agriculture, the PSD accuses the guardianship and prime minister, Antonio Costa, of “not keeping his promise”, after announcing the payment of 50% of the extraordinary support for the crisis, at the end of May and June, deadlines were not met, leaving farmers “in A state of desperation” in the face of commitments made to suppliers.
The Deputy Head of the Political Committee of the Portalegre Region PSD, Firmilinda Carvalho, explained that this exceptional support “is nothing less than an advance over the assistance that farmers are entitled to, they are not national aid, they are aid from the European Union”.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture announced, Friday, that payments for this exceptional support, which covers more than 36 thousand farmers and cost 241 million euros, have already been processed, and farmers will receive the full amount until Tuesday.
But Fermilinda Carvalho, who is also the mayor of Portalegre and president of the area’s farmers’ association, goes further and says that “this way of acting is ‘discouraging production'”, bearing in mind that due to the high prices, ‘there is a need for support from the government’.
In conclusion, Fermilinda Carvalho said that “a promise of millions that translates to pennies is an insult” and that it would be good if the government “stop once and for all declaring what is not fulfilled.”
In the social sphere, the PSD accuses socialists of empty promises.
According to the President of the General Assembly of the Provincial Political Committee, João Carlos Larango, the operating results of the institutions are negative, because within six months of the ruling, the PS has not updated the contributions paid by social security.
The same official predicts that with the loss of income and the rampant increase in poverty, social responses are beginning to lose their quality.
Joao Carlos Larango also noted that PS did not live up to the promise of free growth.
In health, activist Paula Marks gave the floor, accusing the government of abandoning the NHS to its “destiny” without structural reform and divestment that led to human resource shortages leading to concessions. help the population.
In short, Paula Márquez says that “health is sick and without direction” and that the answer given to this problem is “dysfunctional and inadequate”.