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The Russian invasion of Ukraine introduced some ups and downs that the Kremlin initially did not anticipate. One of them consists of Assassination attempt Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, who has never succeeded. Vladimir Putin is angry at some failures and Two Russian Secret Service agents were recently placed under house arrest – Ex-KPGB – Sergei Beseda and his assistant Anatolij Bulyukh.
According to Corriere della Sera, who cites the expert on military affairs – Andrei Soldatov – the two agents are intended to provide information on the internal situation in Ukraine. While that, Gave wrong information And they will have stolen the funds intended to recruit agents and organize sabotage operations.
It was only when the invasion began, on the twenty-fourth of February Vladimir Putin must have realized that he had received false information from the two agents. The Russian president believed that his goal would be achieved in a few days: Ukraine would be captured in a few days and the Kyiv armed forces would not be able to respond to the attack. But that’s not what happened – and the reality turned out to be different.
It seems that Putin is really dissatisfied with the FSB in Ukraine: he attacked the 5 Service SOiMS (the FSB branch of foreign intelligence). Sergei Beseda, the head of the service, and his deputy, Bulukh, the head of the Defense Directorate, were placed under house arrest, according to my sources inside.
– Andrei Soldatov March 11, 2022
The two agents also sought to hire a special team to assassinate the Ukrainian president after he resorted to Chechen fighters. However, these were already identified and eliminated by the Ukrainian secret service, thus the assassination failed.
These two factors prompted Putin to get rid of Sergey Beseda and Anatolij Bulyukh, but the story may not be so simple. According to some Russian intelligence that Corriere della Sera was able to access, The two agents turned to some colleagues from the FSB to recruit the Chechen groupWhich may indicate a possible ambush for the Russian president to get rid of the two agents, especially Sergei Beseda, who was appointed as one of the main successors to the leadership of the KGB.
Another version is simply the fact that the two agents will simply fail at the task they had to do, with the possibility that they will not be confident and will not support the invasion.