One of the international arrest warrants issued against Vale and Azevedo has been cancelled. The former Benfica president was sentenced to another 10 years in prison, but the public prosecutor decided to drop the detention order. The Portuguese judge is now demanding that Valle and Azevedo be declared exposed.
Scott Minto, Gary Charles, Amaral and Taher El Kahlaj have long left the field, but the transfer of the four former Benfica players remains a step up for the Portuguese. The courts found that Valle and Azevedo got millions of euros from the deal and sentenced the former Benfica president to 10 years in prison.
Valle y Azevedo was in prison in Portugal when he was convicted. When he left, in June 2016, there was already an arrest warrant for him, but the defense claimed the “principle of jurisdiction” to escape arrest.
The Principle of Specialization says thatA person who has been extradited under a European arrest warrant cannot (…) be convicted or deprived of his or her liberty for having committed an offense earlier (…)“.
Six years after trying to arrest the former president of Benfica, the attorney general’s office realizes that it is bad to expect the UK to extradite Vale and Azevedo again, especially after the legal changes brought about by Brexit.
The Journal Publico reported that the judges decided to drop the arrest warrant and in return asked for a default. That is, the Portuguese judiciary, unilaterally, must prevent Vale and Azevedo from obtaining documents in Portugal, entering into business, and can also declare assets confiscated.
The decision had no immediate major consequences for Vale and Azevedo, who have lived in the UK for a long time, with no known origins in Portugal. The ex-Benfica president also has no intention of returning, as he still has another active arrest warrant that will lead him to prison if he sets foot on national territory.
Portuguese courts are still trying to arrest Valle and Azevedo so they can be tried in another court The attempted fraud against BCP.