Princess Charlene She broke the silence for the first time to talk about the health problems that kept her from leaving the house South Africa And back to Monaco for six months last year.
Five months after his return to Europe and his official engagements, Wife of Prince Albert II She admitted that she is more connected with religion, which will make meeting Pope Francis in the Vatican even more special.
“I am a deeply Christian and it was an honor and a privilege to meet you. My husband and I shared a solemn and emotional time. Faith has guided me through the difficult times in my life‘,” he admitted in an interview with the South African newspaper, ‘News 24’, citing ‘Vanitatis’.
The last few months have been dedicated to children, Twins Gabriel and Jaime, age 7 years. “They have been very busy this summer with activities such as sailing, a course on the marine environment, as well as their first contact with diving and rescue at sea,” explained the princess and former Olympic swimmer.
Last year, in addition to being suspended in South Africa due to Ear, nose and throat infectionthe princess also left the palace to deal with a Physical and emotional exhaustion in a clinic in Switzerland.
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