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In the Anglo-Saxon world, there is, at present, a strange anti-democratic phenomenon in which those in the USA or the UK are abolished and silenced to express the wrong side of certain topics that are suddenly taboo and non-debatable religious dogmas, such as gender issues Social or projecting historical European statues. This is calledcancel cultureIt led to deep divisions in society. This is because often those on the “wrong” side, the nullifiers, represent the opinion of the majority of the population, who are not represented and are thus silenced and abolished.
In Portugal there is a phenomenon with a similar format, although with different content, and, most dangerously, undemocratic. Here, those in Lisbon, Porto or even immigrants, on the wrong side of some topics that have become taboos and indisputable religious beliefs, such as the honesty and prestige of our rulers or their countless deals with state money, are canceled and silenced. …from the indisputable decisions they make, from health care to energy, to banking and aviation.
Portuguese and Portuguese women who are deeply suspicious of political incompetence are being abolished and silenced everywhere. From the countless cases of prominent investigative journalists removed from television to the lists of MPs now released for nearly every party, sterile with little or no votes against corruption and disruptive actions mixed with politics.
Those who doubt the results of the system and its heroes mysteriously disappear. Nobody in Portugal has the slightest bit of power to choose or point out who asks tough questions. Even if the answers and the resulting solutions finally got us out of the last places in Europe, where in the twenty-first century a million immigrants left the national territory alone.
Thus, any Portuguese person who commits the sin of questioning or interrogating politicians directly is removed from the media, even if their large investigative television programmes, or just small opinion pieces, are the most popular and most watched of other customary, well-educated and pro-political programs and articles for a while. Long embedded system.
The conclusion is that in Portugal, anyone who dares directly and directly to object to cases suggestive of corruption or at least, the negligent and severe incompetence of government officials and associates are abolished and silenced, as in the Anglo-Saxon world, albeit for different reasons.
This is the Lusitani.Abolition of anti-corruption“(The abolition of those who reject corruption and/or incompetence) occurs even with greater force and scope than”abolition of culture Saxon. Although the content is different, the result is similar in form to what happens in English-speaking countries. This is because the abolitionist Portuguese who dare to denounce or investigate facts relating to government officials, representatives and law firms that employ deputies or are run by relatives of representatives and ministers usually represent the opinion of the majority of the Portuguese population.
As a result, the Portuguese population was abolished and silenced. This leads to increased disbelief and abstention, often at 50%, because the Portuguese do not feel represented in the media, in the government or in Parliament. They doubt that everything is not as rosy as those who doubt something he does not tell us, and because of this good dogmatic behavior they control almost completely the voices on television, newspapers, parliament, government, or public events.