The director of South Korean intelligence, citing the “Daily Mail”, reported that Pope Francis is considering a visit to North Korea. If confirmed, it will be the first time the Pope has visited the country.
Park Ji-won has announced that he will meet with Archbishop Kim Hee-jung and the Vatican’s ambassador to South Korea Archbishop Alfred Zuerbe to discuss a possible visit to Pyongyang, according to the FIDE news agency.
Apparently, Park told North Korean Catholics at a mass that he intended to meet with officials to prepare for the Pope’s trip.
It is believed that there are several hundred North Korean Catholics who practice their faith under the North Korean Catholic League, rather than under the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
A spokesman for South Korean President Moon Jae-in confirmed that Kim had invited Pope Francis to visit Pyongyang. Chairman Kim said he would welcome the Pope if he visits Pyongyang.”
Remember, the North Korean leader invited the Pope to visit North Korea in 2018, when Kim Jong-un met with a US Secretary of State.
At the time, the Pope said he would consider making a trip to the country under certain conditions, if it could help bring peace.