“Big Brother” is watching it, and Pedro Abronhosa is just a point that has been picked up by massive Russian radar, which has already spread, mostly across Europe and the United States. From words to electoral interference and alleged poisoning, the “Russian Initiative” began even before the invasion of Ukraine. In Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovenia, Albania, Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece and Italy, Moscow has already used its rhetoric to try to impose its authority. The Russian ambassador to Italy sent an intimidating email to deputies of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense, in which he said that sanctions against Russia “will not go unanswered.” In Greece, the Russian embassy imposed on social media the TV channel that Greeks must watch if they want to receive “objective” information, and in Bulgaria, the Russian ambassador ended up apologizing to the prime minister. The state, after comparing the invasion of Ukraine to the process of liberating Bulgaria that occurred 144 years ago. Despite the fact that, as British and American intelligence already explained, the ability of Russian espionage and the ability to influence national politics, due to the expulsion of Russian diplomats and other professionals, the “network” of the grouping, was reduced. The so-called “interest” data was not completely cut out.
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