Kick in the air, little hop, new kick, four steps forward, one step back and start over. And if you’re walking the streets and doing this choreography? It may sound strange to you, but if you’re a fan of Monty Python, you might already recognize the routine. This way of walking is part of an episode of Ministry of Silly Walks (Ministério dos Andares Estranhos, in Portuguese), starring a British humorous group, and now also a logo for a scientific study on physical exercise.
The researcher was inspired by the strange floors invented by the actors and analyzed whether these walking methods would be more effective in burning calories than regular walking. In fact, there is a method of walking that actually requires a higher expenditure of energy: Mr. Teabag’s walk.
Glenn Gesser, a professor at Arizona State University, has devoted his career to studying energy expenditure generated by physical exercise. Faced with an increasingly sedentary society, the researcher turned to the Monty Python episode to understand whether a less efficient way of walking could increase the number of calories expended.
“I’m a huge Monty Python fan – I don’t know how anyone can not be a Monty Python fan – and of course Ministry of Silly Walks was one of my favorite episodes,” he explains to CNN Glenn Geyser. “Anyone who watches the video knows it looks like a great physical activity. My colleagues and I came up with this idea: Wouldn’t it be interesting to see how much energy was spent on those exotic floors? How many calories did they burn?”
Based on this question, the researcher designed the study in which 13 people participated. In the first phase, the researchers analyzed the breathing and energy expended by the participants in a normal walk. In the second stage, the same participants performed two types of loop walks: Mr. Teag (John Cleese) and Mr. Booty (Michael Palin).
The results show that Mr. Putty’s gait is very similar to a normal gait. On the other hand, the teabag gait consumes much more energy.
“We found that they were burning almost 2.5 times more calories compared to normal walking. Which is really extraordinary, ”says the professor. To give perspective: walking like Mr Teabag is very similar to jogging at about five or six miles an hour. [equivalente a oito ou 9,5 quilómetros por hora]he adds.
Based on this data, Glenn Geyser offers that if a person goes down this path for “About 11 minutes a day“You will level up”High densityDescribed in North American Public Health Guidelines.
Although a fun study, the researcher highlights the serious part of the discovery, Glenn Geese asserts that if individuals become “Movement is a little less efficient“that – that”It will allow us to burn more calories“So it won’t be necessary anymore.”Do physical activityExtra.