The unbridled rush to buy tickets for Coldplay’s four concerts in Coimbra, scheduled for next year, has been the target of much criticism. Nuno Markle, on social media, left his opinion.
“It saddens me a little that the crazy rush of Coldplay tickets is still a matter of anger and judgment in this country. There are crazy Coldplay races in every country – but here are only the verdicts on who rushes to see a squad, like it or not, capable of being the biggest in the world.
I see notes about people abstaining but queuing with Coldplay and I think: What does one have to do with the other? He began by saying that only in a country still in need of growth is the fans’ passion for a giant band the subject of a scathing analysis of the “status quo”.
“We were locked in the house for a long time. Kids and adults alike know Coldplay throws a party for whole families. why not? Why do they make nonsense like “Men complain that they don’t have money, but they already have enough to go to Coldplay”? Well, they probably have a piece for a little luxury, a small dose of focused happiness. Why not? “
In the same post but in the comment box, the caller’s sister, Anna Markle, also left her opinion. “Only now have we gone to listen to them here at home. Although we do not wish to know them now and in good condition. The rest is the wrath of the privileged who think they dictate the taste, pleasure, and face of other people’s money.” Damn them“, he wrote.
Read also: Nuno Markl and “Treasure” with Catarina Furtado: “A geek and a beauty”