NASA has made an animation of the ten largest black holes known to science. released at the beginning of the week, the video Compare the dimensions of the phenomenon with the sun.
According to the space agency, the 10 black holes have between 100,000 and 66 billion times the mass of the sun. They are located in some regions both inside and outside the Milky Way. Gravitational fields can cast shadows twice as large.
Black holes are spatial regions that act as cosmic abysses, as they swallow everything that comes close to them. The dark appearance of these objects is due to the attraction of small electromagnetic particles such as light.
Video of the ten largest black holes
The first black hole shown belongs to the dwarf galaxy 1601+3113 and a mass of 100,000 suns. Located in the center of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A* is 4.3 million suns in size and has a shadow equivalent to half the orbit of Mercury.
There are two black holes in the galaxy NGC 7727, 1,600 light-years apart. NASA astronomers report that both weigh between 6 and 150 million suns and should merge within the next 250 million years.
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