The new legal regime for the Disability Verification System comes into force on April 1 and requires that notifications that medical leave will be subject to verification be sent via email or SMS. The process will be stripped down and consultations can take place via video call.
Expert process for verifying accrued medical leave Disability, handicap and dependence It would be stripped down, with Social Security and health IT systems communicating with each other, allowing this Notifications and invitations to beneficiaries shall be made electronicallyi.e. through the Social Security notification system, by email or via SMS, through the contacts indicated by Social Security
along with Upon summons, the beneficiary must be “advised of the consequences of his failure to attend, and that he must provide or permit consultation with medical information and ancillary diagnostic items proving his incapacity.”
Calls will be made with A Minimum two business days notice It is verified by “Multidisciplinary teams, or by an approved body” and “insured by medical and technical experts from Social Security or other bodies” stipulated in the law.
The matter is related to the decree entering into force The new legal regime for the Disability Verification System, published at the beginning of January, is only now beginning to come into force. The idea was not only to adapt the law to the new legal and social reality, but also to make the sick leave verification process “more effective and efficient”, contributing to “a wiser and faster allocation of benefits within the scope”. The possibility of disease. Disability, handicap and dependency.”
The new diploma also stipulates that although the reporting doctors and the verification, re-evaluation and appeal committees carry out their activities “at the headquarters of the Social Security Services”, “Verification, re-evaluation and appeal committees can be conducted via video callIn cases determined by the Social Security Services.
Furthermore, “when appropriate, a clinical examination may be performed before Pure documentary evaluationAs long as it is sufficient and capable of conducting the aforementioned examination.”
Verification committees always include two experts, one of whom chairs and has the casting vote in the event of a tie. None of them could have been part of the verification committee that monitored the beneficiary. They may also include a third doctor referred by the beneficiary.
Regarding deadlines, the verification committees are expected to issue their decision within 5 working days from the date the clinical report is made available; Or conduct a direct examination when it occurs. It is then available in social security information systems “for decision-making on the attribution of the benefit by the competent social security service”, which is then transferred by the latter to the beneficiary who can, without his consent, Within 10 days, request a “convening an appeals committee”.