Married at first sight He’s back at the SIC antenna, this month. In addition to Eduardo Torgal And the Chris Carvalho, there are four new specialists, their dream honeymoon destinations and another success confidence of Paço de Arcos station. It was presented to the press on Friday afternoon and of course attended Diana Chaves.
“It’s the best season we’ve ever seenstarts with warranty Daniel OliveiraGeneral Manager Leisure at Empresa Group. “Not only for the way the program is produced and presented and how the experts interact, but also for the participants and for the questions asked”, confirmed. Unlike the previous season, the third season will be broadcast as recordings continue.
for the first time, some couples will have some kind of blind first date, increasing the expectation of each element until the day they go up to the altar and meet face to face for the first time. Daniel Oliveira praised reporters for Diana Chavez’s return to lead the program after more than a year and a half of daily baggage on Friday morning. happy home. Presenter does not doubt that the third season of Married at first sight He is the best of all and mentions the response he gave to the press in his first year of Social Experience presentation.
“I know very well that we are a conservative country. Marrying someone we don’t know can be a little scary for some people. I know you will be surprised, but once you get to know the stories of these people and go on an adventure with them, you will love it.”He remembers renewing his conviction and enthusiasm for the formula.
Married at first sight Returns to SIC on March 27, Sunday. Luana Cunha FerreraAnd the Sarah MalkatoAnd the Claudia Moraes and Ana Costa Soares These are the new additions to the expert panel.
Remember that Bruno Magalhaes Tatiana Oliveira They met and married on the show, before divorcing in early 2020. However, months later, the couple resumed their relationship, and remarried in October 2020. In September of last year They were the parents of a boy.