After I inform her that her daughter Rita is going to have spinal surgery, Mario Augusto To social media to thank for all the support he’s received.
“Thank you all for your attention and messages of support. Rita went into the building early in the morning humming to the music of her friend Rita Redshows and four hours later we can be by her side she wakes up in recovery. Wake up with the usual attitude, smiling serenity, a lot of pain That’s right, but he wonders what They did it for a lot of iron and a nail. She will start her way again and she knows it by the will that he who has known her for so long has observed.”counting.
“Fight without relief from pain, but always ready to go on her journey. The orthopedic team in Santo Antonio were tireless, for all the doctors who analyzed the tests and gave their opinion and I did not hesitate to go to the hospital, we thanked from the worried parents, they did not feel relieved yet, but more hello”continued, taking the opportunity to thank the health professionals who accompanied Rita.
“With less than twenty-five screws and titanium rods for her spine, she would definitely have to readjust…with her paw she gains wings despite flying at a low altitude. Thank you all for the messages. Parental pain is tender and cold, never stop freezing thought‘, he finished.