In the city of São Paulo there are 28 Health Surveillance Units (Uvis) coordinated by the Coordination of Health Surveillance (Covisa), which have care practices, health promotion for citizens and disease prevention mechanisms.
Uvis, spread throughout all areas of the city, operates in three areas: sanitary, epidemiological and environmental. On a daily basis, the population is served, for example, in inspection procedures involving retail trade in food, medicines and health services, vaccination and control of epidemic diseases, control of dengue fever, rodenticide and artificial animals (adapted to live with man against his will) and vaccination against rabies. For dogs and cats.
Its technicians also collect water for human consumption, issue sanitary licenses to water transport companies (water trucks), inspect contaminated areas with land use change, monitor sentinel units of the VIGIAR program (monitoring risk factors related to atmospheric pollution) and meet the requirements of natural and technological disasters and chemical emergencies.
Learn more about the procedures developed in each area of health surveillance:
– Health monitoring: It aims to eliminate, reduce or prevent health risks and to intervene in health problems arising from the environment, including work, production and circulation of goods and provision of services of health importance.
– Epidemiological monitoring: It brings together a set of activities that provide knowledge and detect or prevent any change in the determining and adaptive factors of individual and collective health, for the purpose of adopting or recommending measures for the prevention and control of diseases and health problems.
– Environmental monitoring: Covers sanitary and epidemiological surveillance measures, including specific measures for the prevention and control of zoonoses and diseases transmitted by vectors such as mice, bats, mosquitoes, etc. The fight against dengue fever, for example, is part of the work of more than two thousand workers to combat endemic diseases (ACEs), as well as mapping point sources in the territory, which are institutions with a potential risk of generating atmospheric pollutants that affect human health. It also works to prevent damage resulting from various forms of environmental pollution and chemical, natural and technological disasters.
How to request health monitoring services
Requests for monitoring and control services can be made by residents through the SP156 Centre, the Citizen Assistance Service at City Hall, by phone or doorto.
Rabies vaccination
Another service provided directly in the senior care centers is rabies vaccination for dogs and cats, which is permanently available in all 28 units.
Check out the titles below.
City of Office Tiradentes
Rua Manuel Moscoso, 15
[email protected]
Office Guayanas
Rua Francisco Pinheiro, 179.
2553-2833 / 2552-6122 / 2554-8152
[email protected]
Juvis Itaquera
Professor João Battista Conte Street, 829 (old 331)
2523-5405 / 2523-5406 / 2523-5407
[email protected]
Office Ermelino Matarazzo
Sao Miguel Street, 5977
2042-6018 /2031-4214 / 2046-0288
[email protected]
Yovis itaim paulista
Rua Ererê, 260 V. Kuroka
3808-3077 /2035-2027 / 2035-2031
[email protected]
Yves Sao Mateus
Rajib Shehfi Street, 1400
2013-1139 / 2013-2983
[email protected]
Office Sao Miguel
Rua Jose Pereira Cardoso, 193
2033-2039 / 2297-0258 / 2031-5782 / 2058-4346
[email protected]
Juvis Campo Limbo
Rua Nossa Senhora do Bom Conselho, 59
5814-8805 / 5814-8760 / 5814-9801 / 5814-8805
[email protected]
Office Mboy Miriam
Rua Baldomero Carqueja, 61 – Villa Brill – CEP 05780-260
5511-8000 / 5513-9842 / 5819-8324 / 5519-7842
[email protected]
Yves Santo Amaro / City of Adhemar
Rua Maria Cofono Salzano, 185
5565-7717 / 5677-8577 / 5678-6725 / 5679-8247 / 5565-1338 / 5671-4224 / 5677-6820
[email protected]
Office Capilla do Socorro
Rua Justino Negro, 13 years old, Bairro Interlagos
5667-5523 / 5667-5525 / 5667-8800 / 5667-8118 / 5668-8048
[email protected]
Yovis Ipiranga
Nazareth Street, 256
2215-4268 / 2063-4440 / 20634408 / 22727220
[email protected]
Office Jabaquara / Villa Mariana
Gennaro de Carvalho Street, 101
1964-5575 and 6123-5083 (epidemiological surveillance)
6870-3045 (Health Monitoring)
3255-5388 (Service Yard)
[email protected]
Yuvis Moka/Aricandova
Salim Farah Maalouf Street, 4236
2227-2143 / 2227-2147 / 2941-6808
[email protected]
Office Banha
Cantaboy Street, 492
2791-1577 / 3397-5217 / 3397-5247 / 3397-5131 / 33975145
[email protected]
Office Villa Prudente/Sapobemba
Prasa Centenario de Villa Prudente, 108
2272-0462 / 2272-1786
[email protected]
Euves parilleros
Rua Cristina Schunk Klein, 23 – Barilleros
5921-6910/7980 Pandemic – 5926-3797 Office and Human Resources
[email protected]
Office Casa Verde/Cachoirinha
Rua João Marcelino Branco, 21 – F. Dos Andrades
3851-5524 / 3851-1077
[email protected]
Visit Freguesia in Brazil
Rua Chico de Paula, 238
3935-4249 / 3931-1800 / 3991-7422 / 3931-8811 / 3935-5000 / 3935-1212
[email protected]
Euphysus peritoba
Cristo Rey Street, 290 – Peritoba
3999-0834 / 3978-9615 / 3991-9588
[email protected]
Euphys Pyrrhus
Rua Antonio Jose Anacleto, 80.
Phone 3917-6028 / 3917-6177
Office Jacana/Tremembe
Rua María Amalia Lopez de Azevedo, 3676 – Jasana
2243-3915 / 2240-6868
[email protected]
Office Santana/Tokorovi
Narrated vol da Patria, 3063.
Phone 2221-1555
[email protected]
Office Villa Maria / Villa Guilherme
Guilherme Street, 82
2905-2687 / 2905-2634 / 2905-2813
[email protected]
the West
Office Butanta
Kaksingwe Street, 658/656
3721-7487 / 3721-7777 / 3721-2227
[email protected]
Yves Lapa/Pinheiros
Rua Renato Paes de Barros, 77 6th floor A (epidemic)
Rua Sumidoro, 712 (Environmental, Sanitary, Epidemiological and Services Square)
3816-1403/3073-0789/3078 8185/3073-0078
[email protected]
Office Santa Cecilia
Rua Dr. Albuquerque Lenz, 40, Barra Funda – CEP 01230-000
3105-3585 / 3242-2132 / 3105-2651 / 3242-2351
[email protected]
Euphys C
Rua Rua Frederico Alvarenga, 259 – 4th Floor – Center – CEP 01020-030
Phone: 3104-0034
[email protected]
SECOM – São Paulo City Council
e-mail: [email protected]
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