On Saturday (7), the Municipality of Lagoa Seca vaccinated 131 people during the Multiple Vaccination Day. The total corresponds to children and adolescents who attended two vaccination points.
According to the Ministry of Health’s immunization coordination, 73 doses were administered in the basic health unit of the Villa Florestal community, and 58 doses were administered in the Manuel Jacome Clinic. The operation took place from 8 am to 12 noon.
This Saturday is another day in the campaign adopted by the municipality, in order to draw the attention of parents and guardians to the need to update vaccination records for children and adolescents, between the ages of 0 and 14 years. This action also shows that Lagoa Seca was following the Ministry of Health’s guidelines, which aim to increase vaccination rates throughout the country.
The multiple vaccination campaign will continue until October 11, in health units and schools affiliated with the municipal education network. The schedule has already been published on the social networks of the city hall.
Doses of the following immunization agents are provided to residents of Lagoa Seca: BCG, hepatitis B, pentavalent, inactivated poliovirus, oral poliovirus, rotavirus, pneumococcal 10, meningococcal C, and trivalent viruses (SCR – measles, mumps, and rubella). ), tetrodovirus (SCRV – measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox), DTP, hepatitis A, chickenpox and yellow fever.