Joanna Deniz decided to go back in time and share with her Instagram followers the before and after liposculpture she underwent two years ago.
The photos were never made public, but Joanna decided to reveal them now because she wants to regain the shape she achieved after surgery that she ended up losing over time.
The hairdresser is on a diet, is back training in the gym and admits she feels “bad”. “When I say ‘bad’, it’s because I’m in a bad mood that I can’t stand (I’m taking the kids, Flávio, the neighborhood, clients all the way) […]),” I acknowledge.
House of Secrets hates training, which leads her to believe plastic surgery is a much easier way to reach her goals.
“[…] But is there anything better than liposuction? Guys, we went there bloated, and left two rocks there. This is before and two weeks after recovery. Then at that time I felt like a street cannon and that was when I focused more on the gym, at that time I even bought an elliptical machine (where I did 40 minutes of cardio), and food, but it didn’t cost me much anymore because the worst was over “, He said.
In the last year or so I let myself down so much, I ate everything, including a bag of gummy bears at night (I can’t even think about it, otherwise I want to eat). Now I’m here struggling for what? Holy patience,” he shot, questioning Dr. Angelo Rebelo when he could schedule a new surgery.
He added, “This is the part where Dr. Angelo tells me, ‘You’re crazy,’ realizing he can’t go to aesthetics again at this point.
He added, “With all due respect to nutritionists and nutritionists, but there is a lot of good plastic surgeons can do for us in such a short time.”
Read also: “I don’t always feel like the best mom in the world,” says Joanna Diniz.