James Corden has been denied entry to the famous French restaurant Balthazar in New York. The one who published the information is the owner, Keith McNally, who described on social media the inappropriate behavior of the comedian during visits to his establishment.
He began by saying, “James Corden is a very talented comedian, but he’s a little cretin.” He added, before even recounting what happened, “the most unfortunate customer of all who has come to Balthazar since the restaurant opened 25 years ago.”
McNally explained that the unfortunate situations involving Corden had repeated themselves. On one occasion, a public person would have shown a hair to a staff member, demanding a “round of drinks” lest they write a negative note about the restaurant.
On another occasion, a servant handed James a plate of potatoes in place of the salad he had requested. “You can’t do your job! I should probably go into the kitchen and make my own omelette,” said Keith McNally.
Hours later, also on social media, the restaurateur revealed that after sharing this, he received an apology from Corden, and decided to accept it. He noted that “everything has been forgiven.”