Mafalda Diamond, one of the most popular contestants of the past few weeks on Big Brother, “opened up her ‘adventures’ book — in this case, with the boys — and decided to tell during the night some episodes he lived recently.”
Before the end of the broadcast on TVI Reality, the young woman from Porto reminded Tatiana Boa Nova and Joanna Schreyer of one of her birthday celebrations that took place between Camena and Vigo: “We went to Caminha in the middle of the night only to notice it was still and then we went to Spain, because my best friend has a damn house. StartedWe had plenty to drink, and then we went to a restaurant spot On the boats – it was a pier to swing on – making fun of it“, He said.
“Then I came home, went to the bathroom and one of them blew me away for a long time this week. I got out of the shower, squatted down on the couch, woke me up, and in the meantime the scene began.Mafalda Diamond, who had a particularly busy night, revealed:I was home with my best friend’s mom upstairs and my dad downstairs. […] It happened in a small room, next to my parents’ room, but I kept quiet and nothing was heard.“.
In order to be more comfortable with her ‘pairing’ for that night, Mafalda Diamond went into one of the rooms and at that moment problems started to arise as her father ended up answering a phone call with a ‘message’ from a best friend:Suddenly I started hearing footsteps and people hiding under the bed frame. My dog got up, and went to ask my dad to pee, and my dad came out, and went to the living room, and he heard my cell phone ring – I left my cell phone there – it was my best friend who called and said ‘Pina is cleaning’. My father answered and said, Where is Mfalda?“.
This confidence surprised her colleagues, given that their parents were in the same house, and made Mafalda Diamond wonder:Is that too bad to tell you here?Joanna and Tatiana replied thatnumberThe Porto woman continued the story of how her father discovered her:He went into the room, pointed the lamp, and said, “You have five minutes to get out of this room.” He went to sleep, he was gone, I thought it was five minutes and it seemed like it was three hours. I remember five minutes of the scene. They didn’t wake up to my noise, it was the fault of the dog and my best friend I called. I didn’t hear anything‘, he finished.