The probe revealed important details about Planum borium, the north pole of Mars. The images were recently released by the European Space Agency
On February 28, European Space Agency Photos have been released The polar region of Mars captured by probe Mars Express. This area is known as Planum puriumIt offers wonderful natural scenery, where the sand dunes blend in Ice sheets Dusty, extending for about 1000 km.
The images reveal impressive details, such as the beginning of the Planum Boreum to the right of the frame, where the ice sheets begin to pile up with a characteristic roughness, while high-altitude regions display shades of red, white, or brown, contrasting with lower-altitude regions in shades of blue and green.
These layers bear witness to the complex climate history of the planet Mars Over millions of years, they were formed as a result of the gradual deposition of dust, water ice and frost.
A thin layer of ice
According to the Galileo portal, during winter On Mars, a thin layer of dry ice covers these layers, and disappears with the arrival of summer.
The absence of signs of erosion on the smooth terrain indicates that this area is young and relatively untouched by space rocks. The presence of semicircular cliffs, with ice-covered sand dunes in their curves, adds further complexity to the Martian landscape.
Mars Express has been an essential tool in Mars exploration since 2003, revealing important geological details such as wind-sculpted ridges, volcanic craters, impact craters and tectonic faults.
+ Check here Research released by the European Space Agency.