This Tuesday, August 10th, another diary of “O Amor Happen” was released, which included comments by Helena Isabel, Quintino Ayres, and Liliana Filipa. In the first moments, Mafalda de Castro presented the guests, and in doing so, Al-Faqih recalled a misunderstanding with Quentino Ayres during his participation in the Big Brother program – Duplo Impacto.
Read also: Older brother: Quentino Ayres does not pronounce Helena Isabel’s name: “I refuse …”
“I am very happy to be here with Quintino. You are my friend again, right?Faqih asked. “That’s right, I’ve always been friends with Helena. Now I have to comment when I want to commentQuintino replied.
At that time, Helena recalled the episode in which Quintino refused to pronounce her name: “But I didn’t like to say my name, I didn’t want to say my name“.
In turn, the commentator explained:Well, no, that’s right. There was a time I didn’t want to say the name. I’ve been watching Big Brother for 20 years, hooked for 12, but once the show is over, I can’t remember the names of the contestants. I see it sometimes in magazines or in the news. Of course I had a special relationship with Helena, we had a relationship“.