Among the many changes scheduled for next year – with musical chairs among the drivers, the debut of Gen3 cars and the entry of new teams – Formula E is another novelty: the return of the stopping points, one of the goals. next season’s class. The stops were part of the races in the sport’s first four seasons, but were abandoned after the Gen2 cars were implemented.
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So, over the course of June, Formula E will be running some tests with teams supplying the class with a new fast battery charger. The tests aimed to assess whether the technology could, in fact, work in the electric single seat category. If the result is positive, the metric is seen as key to increasing the number of strategic possibilities within the races.
While the UK-based teams will conduct their testing in England, other European teams will conduct their simulations in an undisclosed region – but within Europe. Despite the novelty, there is still an expectation to see if the technology will really apply to the category and also in terms of the costs it can generate for teams. This is what Joao Pedro Nascimento is talking about in this week’s video.
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