The Brazilian Ministry of Health will support Mozambique in strengthening public health policies and the National Strategy for Food and Nutrition Security (INSAN) in the country. Through the bilateral technical cooperation project entitled “Strengthening Governance in Food and Nutrition Security (SAN) in Mozambique”, several initiatives are planned to be implemented until 2027, including the development of a Mozambican baby food guide for children under 5 years of age, from the National Catalogue of Mozambican Foods, a regional and traditional recipe book to support complementary feeding of Mozambican children and a recipe book to support the nutrition of children undergoing nutritional rehabilitation at home.
The project was signed in 2023, and in June of this year, the mission was implemented. On site With the participation of a team from the General Coordination of Food and Nutrition (Cgan) of the Secretariat of Primary Health Care (Saps), the Special Advisor for International Affairs (Aisa) of the Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), linked to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE). Over two weeks, the group dedicated itself to continuing dialogues to mobilize partners and raise their awareness. The mission also culminated in updating the action plan for the coming years.
In this mission, the Brazilian Ministry reaffirmed the commitments made and renegotiated the procedures and strategies of cooperation with Mozambican government institutions. Furthermore, the Brazilian delegation had the opportunity to get to know the region, especially some of the health services available in the city of Maputo, such as the Human Milk Bank of the Maputo Central Hospital – also implemented with the support of Brazilian cooperation – and the Chamanculo Health Center, where the community presence is its characteristic, with the practice of traditional health care and the occupation of public spaces to participate in health service activities and in the production of machambas – A term in Shangana used in Mozambique to refer to land where grains and vegetables are grown for subsistence, exchange or small sales.
“Brazil has a lot to share when it comes to primary health care technologies and the contributions of the Unified Health System (SUS) to food and nutrition security, but it is essential to highlight how Mozambique can also contribute in this area,” Cgan Deputy Coordinator, Jean Nogueira, highlights. “Our work in Brazil inspires us.”
Health is an important partner in this project, thanks to the successful Brazilian experience, which has as its legal framework the National Food and Nutrition Policy (Pnan), with permanent public actions and policies guided by the principle of social participation, food sovereignty and the food system. The human right to adequate and healthy food. Recent achievements include the Brazilian experience in reducing malnutrition in children and promoting healthy and wholesome eating, especially with regard to nutrition Food Guide for BraziliansPrevention and control of micronutrient deficiencies, prevention and control of obesity and chronic diseases related to food and nutrition, and strategies to reduce population sodium intake.
Ministry of Health