If you have a feeling that you are uninspired and uninterested in the workplace, the days are passing more and more slowly and frustration is actually “speaking” louder, know that this may be “rust”. There are those who say that rust is the new burnout, a term that has been talked about for a long time and that many people suffer from, Sic Notícias reveals.
While burnout results from an inability to manage exposure to chronic stress in the workplace, burnout is more about the idea of accepting and knowing how to deal with what happens just to avoid burnout.
Rust can manifest itself in a lack of momentum to tackle projects with the same energy, in a state of irritation with colleagues or simply in a feeling that daily life has become monotonous.
“Although this is a professional phenomenon, the negative impact on your personal life can be huge and can leave you feeling stuck and unhappy,” coach Emily Paton Lynham explained.
Regarding how to deal with this phenomenon, the coach recommends “starting with self-awareness.” Spend time getting in touch with your feelings and thoughts, and identify any patterns or themes when they appear repeatedly.
“Try reframing your rusty crisis as an opportunity. It could just be a much-needed warning sign,” he added.