The Government of Paraiba, through the State Department of Health (SES)/Department of Operational Primary Care in partnership with the State Department of Education, is holding the State Health Week in school. Under the motto “You can also get vaccinated at school”, the mobilization campaign takes place throughout the week with strategic vaccination actions, lectures and recreational activities focusing on the topic of immunization.
Rosani Marquis, Operational Director of Primary Care at SES, explains that the school’s state health week includes a mobilization campaign to encourage municipalities to develop actions within the school’s scope within a priority theme. She stressed that this action is part of the School Health Program (PSE) and that the activities this year are aimed at promoting immunization in the state, with the aim of obtaining better vaccination coverage.
“This is an important measure, with coordination between sectors, between health and education, understanding the school community as a space of relationships, ideal for developing critical thinking, capable of combating all layoffs and misinformation related to vaccination in our country. In Paraiba, the 223 municipalities have joined the 2023- 2024 of the program and receive incentives from the federal government when you enroll in the e-Director’s System.
This year’s theme is related to the Vacina Mais Paraíba project, which seeks to improve vaccination rates in the state. Roseanny Marques states that professionals involved in PSE should seek to engage families and the community in order to share information and educate the community on the importance of keeping vaccination cards and cards up to date. It indicates that the activities are developed with the participation of all participants and with the support of health and education professionals. The Director of Operations confirms that state health week events at the school will continue through Friday, September 1, but PSE-related activities can take place throughout the year.
Health in School Program The Health in School Program (PSE) combines health and education policies targeting children, adolescents, youth and adults in Brazilian public education to promote health and inclusive education.
Communication between the school and the primary health network is the foundation of the school health programme. It is an opportunity to create partnerships and make sure that children, adolescents and young adults are truly protected, allowing families to share guidelines on the need to update their immunization status and the ability to discuss necessary health care with health and education professionals, in addition to other local partnerships that can be activated depending on the topics that will be covered within the scope of prevention.