The The operation of this pipeline was blocked by Germany even before the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation.
Through a statement published on the social network Telegram, it was reported that “Due to the fact that the Nord Stream 2 offshore gas pipeline is not working (…), Gazprom decided to use the additional capacity for road transport of gas for the gas supply development project to the northwestern regions of the Union Russian”.
He stressed that if at some point Germany decides to lift the ban on the start of a gas pipeline, “only one line can be operated at 100% load.”
This means that only half of the total capacity of Nord Stream 2, which is estimated at 55 billion cubic meters per year, will be used.
Moreover, Gazprom added that the second line can only be commissioned in 2028.
The Russian Federation filled the first line of the pipeline in October 2021, while the process for obtaining permission to move forward with the infrastructure continues.
But the German energy regulator halted the pipeline approval process in November and required Switzerland-based Nord Stream 2 AG to set up a subsidiary under German law to manage the pipeline division in Germany, which with the construction, January 20220, Gas for Europe, headquartered in Scheren, Northern Germany.
However, on February 22, two years before Putin decided to invade Ukraine, the project, valued at $11 billion, was suspended by German Chancellor Olaf Schulz.
Moscow leaders’ recognition of the independence of the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, in southeastern Ukraine, made it impossible to start the gas pipeline.
On March 1, Nord Stream AG declared bankruptcy.
Read also: UK freezes steel group assets while working in Russia
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