The Higher School of Health Technology at the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (ESTeSC-IPC) will reportedly have a hub for the Health and Technology Research Center (H&TRC) of the Higher School of Health Technology at the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (ESTeSL-IPL). Enterprise today.
The new structure was registered yesterday with the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and will “as expected allow both institutions to obtain more funding for research, intensify scientific production and pave the way for the establishment of doctoral study courses in the field of health technologies,” according to school information.
Coordinated by Vice President Telmo Pereira, H&TRC-Coimbra will be composed of researchers and educators from ESTeSC-IPC, with the aim of “evaluating the determinants of human health, disease and well-being”, and “analyzing different (environmental) factors”. and nutritional, genetic, behavioral, physical, and other activity) associated with these processes” and “the development of new health technologies that contribute to improving the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques currently used.”
Graciano Paolo, President of Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra considers that the creation of H&TRC-Coimbra “represents a historic milestone in the life of the institution” and “confirms the school within the scope of higher education and research”. “For the first time, ESTeSC-IPC will join a similar company, enhancing research on both sides, giving greater dimension to what is already being accomplished and paving the way for the awarding of doctoral degrees in the future,” he adds.
The establishment of the H&TRC Coimbra Center is the result of the protocol signed last Friday by the President of the ESTeSC-IPC, Graciano Paolo, and the President of the ESTeSL-IPL, Beatriz Fernández.