At the beginning of the last week of the campaign, Most opinion polls give victory to the Popular Party (PP), to Alberto Núñez Fijo, they do not know if he will have enough votes to govern alone. If he wins, according to all opinion polls, the conservative party will always have to form a coalition with the far right, even as Vox de Santiago Abascal loses weight in studies of recent days.
Against this trend, the Socialist Party (PSOE) of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is recovering in expectations, especially after the televised face-to-face confrontation with Feijóo, although the performance of the president who is still the leader of the government has not been particularly positive. …to continue to govern, the socialist leader needs the new platform of the left – Somar, by Yolanda Diaz, vice president and minister of labor and social economy under Sanchez’s executive – or the support of the independence parties.
The race for third place is pivotal to the country’s fate: the far-right Vox and the 15-party platform of the Spanish left and far-left Sumar are vying for the spot. While Vox has been losing weight in recent days, Sumar has been growing in the polls. It is necessary that it be possible to form a coalition government on the left, the coalition led by Yolanda Diaz can help the Socialists to remain in power.
The Socialists are leading in recent opinion polls
According to the latest poll published on Monday by the Center for Social Investigation (CIS), the Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) will have the highest vote with around 32.2% of the vote.Against 30.8% for the People’s Party, Sumar at 14.9% and Fox at 11.8%.Spanish election law requires that polls end on Monday.
These proportions will open up more than one real scenario for the formation of a coalition government between the Socialist Socialist Party and Sumar, where the total number of votes guarantees victory in the legislative elections with 47.1% of the vote.
Everything is open to the fate of the neighboring country. And although the election campaign still has a week for the candidates, the election law requires that the polls end on Monday, allowing voters, especially undecided ones, a week of reflection.
Pedro Sanchez introduced the elections, which were scheduled for December this year, after the defeat of the leftist parties in the municipal and regional elections in May.