Actor Goncalo Lima shared a blast, on social networks, after sharing a photo, in which he appeared with her boyfriend.
Using Instagram, actor Gonçalo Lima – known for playing the character Vasco in the series “Clube das Chaves” – has left an eruption, after sharing a photo in which he appeared with her boyfriend.
“Well, I didn’t want to do/say this, but… I posted this photo, of my love for this other being, to show, in a candid way, what the same meaning could be true of family. I posted, losing nearly a dozen followers. I’m literally spraying myself for the followers I’m losing, but this alerted me to the fact that I have people following me and it doesn’t make sense!
He added, “So I ask everyone who sees this picture that is indecent, meaningless or even hateful, to stop chasing me… Let’s prevent both sides from seeing or following things” that are disgusting! “.
Remember, the photo Gonzalo Lima shared was meant to celebrate the fifth anniversary of their relationship.
Now see the photo of Gonçalo Lima, which sparked this controversy, in the photo gallery we have prepared for you.