The Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas (HE-UFPel) is recruiting volunteers to test a quadrivalent vaccine – which protects against four subtypes of influenza virus. Healthy men and women aged 60 years or older and children/young adults aged 3 to 17 could participate in the study.
Clinical trial volunteers must meet the following rules: be in good health, have not received any influenza vaccine in 2023, nor any vaccine four weeks prior to the research. They also cannot participate in another clinical trial. It is important to highlight that in the future, the vaccine may be integrated into the Unified Health System (SUS), thus increasing the protection of the Brazilian population against influenza.
Those interested should schedule an evaluation appointment by calling (53) 3284-4981 or (53) 99155-9512, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., or filling out the form available at . The Clinical Research Center is located in Block 3 of the Teaching Hospital of Pelotas, located at Rua Almirante Gilhupil, 221 (near the bus station).
Influenza is an acute respiratory infection, caused by the influenza virus, with significant transmissibility. There are four types of influenza/influenza viruses: A, B, C, and D. Influenza A and B viruses are responsible for seasonal epidemics, with influenza A virus causing major epidemics.