Aiming to intensify the battle against Aedes aegypti, endemic agents continue to inspect homes, warehouses, vacant lots and commercial establishments in search of mosquito infestations. Since the last bulletin issued on February 22, the city has recorded 130 new outbreaks and 241 cases of the disease.
The cumulative total since the first week of 2024 is 1,010 mosquito outbreaks and 3,025 probable cases. Of these, 2,599 are under investigation and 426 cases have been confirmed. Three people are hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and 21 people are on the ward.
It is worth noting that all possible cases are reported, suspected, confirmed and inconclusive cases, with the exception of cases that have been excluded. This way, all suspected cases present in the system will be considered probable. This allows a more accurate analysis of the situation.
Signs and symptoms
The first manifestation of dengue fever is a high temperature (39° to 40° C) with sudden onset, lasting two to seven days, and associated with headache, weakness and pain in the body, joints and back of the eyes. The spots appear on the body in 50% of cases, and can affect the face, trunk, arms and legs. There may also be loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.
Outpatient clinics
General Family Outpatient Clinics (AGFs) provide services in the neighbourhoods: Velha; agricultural school; Garcia. power; Itopava; Badenfurt and Centre, Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Family Health Strategy Units (ESFs) also provide care to the population. Addresses and hours of operation of eligible units are located on the City Hall website.
How to prevent the spread of Aedes aegypti
• Remove standing water from all containers;
• Avoid using dishes in potted plants. If you use them, add sand to the edge;
• Store bottles with the neck facing down.
• Keep trash cans covered.
• Always leave water tanks closed, without any openings, especially water tanks.
• Plants such as bromeliads should be avoided, as they accumulate water.
• Treat the swimming pool water with chlorine and clean it once a week.
• Keep drains covered with fine mesh to prevent mosquitoes from reaching the area.
• Wash water tank containers, such as animal food bowls and water bowls, using a brush or sponge and detergent, at least once a week.
• If the container must contain water, such as in the case of drains, use hypochlorite.
• Remove water accumulated on the panels.
• Flush toilets, at least once a week, in bathrooms that are rarely used.
• Keep the toilet lid closed.
• Avoid accumulating garbage, as it can become a breeding ground for dengue mosquitoes.
Residents can also report places with potential mosquito infestations by contacting the Dengue Control Program, through OuvidorSUS at phone 156 (option 4) or by phone 3381-7770. Service takes place Monday to Friday, from 8am to 12pm and from 1pm to 5pm.
Communications Consultant: Elaine Malheiros
Published on 02/29/2024 at 08:58 – 44 views
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