Confirmed dengue cases in Mato Grosso do Sul, from January to September this year, more than doubled compared to the whole of 2021. According to the epidemiological bulletin, issued on Friday (9), 15.2 cases have been registered this year. Confirmations of the disease, while the bulletin of December 22, 2021 shows 7.3 thousand cases.
Campo Grande has the highest number of cases of the disease, with 6,869 cases recorded. Next is Chapadão do Sul (959); Amambai (931); gold (886); Three Lagoons (735); and Ribas do Rio Pardo (447).
Suspected (probable) cases this year have reached 21,700, surpassing the 10,000 cases recorded last year. There were 19 deaths from dengue fever, from January to September 2022, compared to 14 last year.
There are seven victims in Campo Grande. two in Chapadão do Sul; and one in Aparecida do Taboado, Guia Lopes da Laguna, Itaporã, Douradina, São Gabriel do Oeste, Dourados, Porto Murtinho, Costa Rica, Ivinhema and Bataguassu.
Recommendation – it is necessary to keep containers closed and clean, do not leave standing water, cover drains and put sand in things where water can accumulate.
According to the SES (State Department of Health), symptoms of the disease can be severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fluid accumulation, mucosal bleeding, lethargy or irritability, postural hypotension, and hepatomegaly, among others. Signs can get worse and include heavy bleeding and even injury to organs.
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Photo: Paulo H. Carvalho/Brasilia Agency.