The latest trailer confirms that it will only be for 12 months.
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Temporary exclusivity isn’t new, but Sony They’ve been fairly transparent in this regard, with their trailers indicating whether or not the games will be exclusives, although sometimes there are bugs and confusion is created.
The latest victim of this assertion was DeathloopThe new game Arkan Lyon and yes Bethesda. Since Xbox Studios now owns Bethesda, it has already been speculated that Deathloop will not be closed to the PlayStation ecosystem across consoles. And now it has been confirmed.
in the latest playing condition, which included a comprehensive look at Deathloop’s gameplay and mechanics, it was eventually indicated in lowercase that in addition to appearing as the game also available on PC, it would not be shown “On other consoles until September 14, 2022‘, exactly one year after its release on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.
This means that if all goes as planned, Xbox players after that date will also be able to travel to Blackreef Island to break the time cycle through stealth missions.