The Municipal Health Service of Curitiba (SMS) is expanding immunization of city residents with the first dose of the vaccine against Covid-19. Today, those who were born in the second half of the year 2000 will be helped. Tomorrow, those who were born throughout 2001 will be helped. Pregnant women and mothers (those who gave birth before 45 days) will also be helped.
The estimate is that 27,000 people were vaccinated with the first dose in these two days. The service will be provided at 19 vaccination points that are open from 8 am to 5 pm. There will be no summary this week.
The service will be expanded with doses designated for the second application, after an SMS confirming with the Ministry of Health sending new batches of immunization agents to the municipality, to be delivered in the coming days.
The decision was taken at the Secretariat’s Technical and Medical Ethics Committee meeting yesterday morning.
“This is the second vaccination that will be used in 15 days, so we made this decision to anticipate the application of the first dose because we have a holiday ahead of us,” explained Municipal Health Minister Marcia Huchulak.
Immunizing agents should be replaced as soon as Curitiba receives a new shipment intended for application of the first dose.
Invitation to a new audience depends on stock assessment or the arrival of a new shipment of vaccines.
To receive the vaccine, SMS advises you to pre-register on the Saúde Já platform via the website or via the mobile application. Registration speeds up the vaccination process.
Second dose – Today there will also be a second dose for people who were vaccinated with the first dose of Coronavac on August 6, 7 and 8 and Astrazeneca or Pfizer on June 9.