Today Continente has reached the number of 77 stores in the Lisbon area alone with the opening of Continente Modelo Estoril, in Cascais, Continente Bom Dia Av. de Paris, in Lisbon and Continente Bom Dia Vialonga, in Vila Franca de Xira.
Thus, the company strengthens the brand’s position in the region by creating 160 new job opportunities.
These stores also join the 16 new stores and 600 jobs already created in 2022.
In terms of new facilities, Continente Modelo Estoril has about 1,817 square meters of sales space, with 249 parking spaces and Bagga, Wells and ZU stores.
Continente Bom Dia Vialonga has a sales area of 1,706 square meters and 134 parking spaces. It also has a Note and Wells store.
Both stores also have two electric vehicle charging stations in each parking lot and solar panels on the roof.
Continental Bom dia Street. de Paris is approximately 621 square meters and is a close, convenient, on-brand option in the center of Lisbon.
The opening of the three stores was marked by a 10% discount campaign on the Continente Card, between the 20th and 24th of December.
Continente opened two new stores in the north and created 100 jobs