Robbins Naves, Honorary Partner of Rubens Naves Santos Jr. Advogados, represented the SBPC and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences in ADIN 1923 in the STF which recognized the constitutionality of Law 9.637/98 and coordinator of the work of “Social Organizations: Construção do Modelo” Ed. Latin Quarter 2014
Guilherme Amorim Campos da Silva, Honorary Partner of Rubens Naves Santos Jr. Attorneys, Doctor of State Law (PUC-SP)
The São Paulo State Court of Auditors (TCE-SP) published a 2022 structured inspection report on social health organizations in which 273 units were examined, of which 232 are the responsibility of municipalities and 41 are from the state network.
Violations related to management, operation, inventory management, as well as maintenance of buildings and equipment were detected. Once notified, managers of contracts signed with social health organizations have 10 days to present their own rationale.
The contracting model for social organizations has been successfully implemented in the health field. The results were astounding: in São Paulo, OS-managed hospitals are a benchmark in terms of cost, efficiency, and user satisfaction.
Continuous improvement of management contracts stems, to a large extent, from dialogue with regulators. In this sense, TCE has the primary function of examining the correct application of public resources and the achievement of agreed objectives, with an emphasis on achieving effective user outcomes.
What we check is the working of this model: in the exercise of its supervisory authority, the Court of Auditors provides observations and recommendations on contracts in progress, allowing the adoption of measures to improve the management of hospital units.
It is also important that the implementation reports issued by social health organizations and health secretariats are able to detail and highlight opportunities for improvement and improvement of services, which indicates the necessary formulation expected from partner entities.
Therefore, control lends greater legitimacy and transparency to partnerships between the state and social organizations, which contributes to the provision of high-quality services to the population.